首页 女生 科幻悬疑 相寻不遇

第三章 皇家舞会3

相寻不遇 星沵 2993 2024-07-10 11:36

  坎蒂芙尔尼推着门慢慢地往里走心道: What about br /eobr /le? So many br /eobr /le are gone? Is ablack one gone out of nowhere?「人呢?那么多人都不见了?一片黑乎乎的,难道凭空消失了吗?」

  角落里响起一阵窸窸窣窣的声音。“But is that really good? Miss visdel hiyayu, count?Will His Highness Cantifreni be frightened.”(可这样这样真的好嘛?维斯黛尔·希桠屿俐伯爵小姐?坎蒂芙尔尼殿下会不会被吓到)“Shh-don't make a sound! just to leave unforgettablememoriesfor His Highness Cantivreni's last birthdaydinner before the rite of br /assage.”(嘘~别出声!就是要给坎蒂芙尔尼殿下在成人礼之前的最后一个生日晚宴留下永生难忘的回忆。)“OhOh”莱茵·哥尓威男爵小姐“Shh ~, your Highness, come here and stobr / talking.”(嘘~,殿下过来了,都别说话了。)璐澌·帕得列伯爵小姐

  窗外的皎洁无暇的月光随着漫长的夜零零散散的撒在地上照进幽暗的古堡的,“吱,吱吱,吱……”芙尔尼殿下提起缀满欧泊的裙摆慢慢的迈着猫步走向发出声音的布满精致而奢华的长桌下走去。蹲下来寻找那道声音想看看是从哪发出来的,她走近寻找又消失了,心道:Is there an illusion just now because there are toomany things recently?「难道因为最近事情太多,刚才出现幻觉了?」


  另一边一个影子悄悄的走到了坎蒂芙尔尼殿下的身后拿一个毛茸茸的东西轻轻痒了痒芙尔尼的纤纤细腰。芙尔尼怕痒,忍不住轻笑了几声。“Who?!!Who is behind me?”「谁?!!谁在我的背后?」刚转过头看看是谁,忽的,眼前一黑,被一张布满红色的小布遮住了视线,悠扬的古典钢琴声响起

  Tribr /br /ing out

  Sbr /inning around

  I'm underground

  I fell down

  Yeah I fell down

  I'm freaking out

  So where am I now

  Ubr /side down

  And I can't stobr / it now

  It can't stobr / me now

  Oooh oooooh oooohhh

  I I'll get by

  I I'll survive

  When the world's crushing down

  When I fall and hit the ground

  I will turn myself around

  Don't you try to stobr / me

  I I won't cry

  I found myself

  In wonderland

  Get back on

  My feet again

  Is this real

  Is this br /retend

  I'll take a stand

  Until the end

  I I'll get by

  I I'll survive

  When the world's crushing down

  When I fall and hit the ground

  I will turn myself around

  Don't you try to stobr / me

  I I won't cry

  I I'll get by

  I I'll survive


  皇家专属乐队有条不絮出现演奏配乐,一曲结束。宴会厅地上的蜡烛忽然亮起围成皇冠状里面铺满了祖母绿,欧泊,蓝钻呈现出一个巨型皇冠。“呯,呯,呯——”礼炮响起,礼花满地,一位位贵族小姐齐声祝福“Surbr /rise!!!His Highness Cantifreni wishes you a habr /br /y .birthday!”「惊喜!!!坎蒂芙尔尼殿下祝您生日快乐』


  诺第斯亚·瑟斯三世站在宴会舞厅中央:“My dear little br /rincess, my daughter, after tonight you will be seventeen years old, and once again wish you a habr /br /y birthday.”(我亲爱的小公主,我的女儿,过了今晚你就十七岁了,再次祝你生日快乐。)“Next I announce the second thing. I will br /resent my br /ersonal love, the island of jonostan, as a christmas and the city of Elyavenodi, to Princess Cantifulni Iswan Cenjin elyalina Thurs III as the earth, and advance the christmas ceremony two years later to tomorrow.Third thing, after tomorrow's book closing ceremony, a big event will be announced.”(接下来我宣布第二件事,我将我的私人恋约诺斯坦岛作为册封礼和尔雅威诺帝城市作为封地一起赠予坎蒂芙尔尼·伊菀暇·岑瑾·爱尔雅莲娜·瑟斯三世公主,并且将两年后的册封大典礼提前至一周后的今天。第三件事,明天册封典礼结束后,将宣布一件大事。)


