首页 女生 同人衍生 恰似初雪遇晨光

第266章 得知真相

恰似初雪遇晨光 林梓晞 4035 2024-11-13 17:27


  上官梦雪开口问道:“小兰,是什么人来吗?”(Xiaolan, is there anyone coming?)

  小兰如实回答道:“小姐,是昌少爷。现在在和夫人在书房里聊天。”(Miss, it's Master Chang.He is chatting with Madam in the study now.)




  上官璎儿给昌浩然倒了杯茶,昌浩然接过去,说:“谢谢,璎姨”(Thank you, aunt Ying.)

  上官璎儿坐在沙发上问道:“浩然,这次来看阿姨,可是有什么事?你可是无事不登三宝殿的人。”(Haoran, come to see aunt this time, but what's the matter? You are the one who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.)

  昌浩然笑着说:“还是璎姨了解我,这次来呢,确实是有些事情想问璎姨。”(Or aunt Ying knows me, this time to do, is indeed some things to ask aunt Ying.)

  “你问,只要是我知道的,我一定说。”(You ask, as long as I know, I will say.)

  “璎姨,你为什么要让顾叔给雪开K—nif?”昌浩然开门见山的问道。(Aunt Ying, why do you want to let Uncle Gu open the k-nif for Xue?)

  上官璎儿喝茶的动作停顿了一会儿后恢复过来,将茶杯放在桌子上,看着昌浩然说:“浩然,你说什么,为什么我听不明白?”(Haoran, what did you say? Why can't I understand?)

  昌浩然从随身的公文包里拿出一个档案袋递给上官璎儿,说:“璎姨,先看了之后再说也不迟。”(Aunt Ying, it's not too late to see it first.)

  上官璎儿接过去,打开它,将里面的几张纸拿出来一看,脸色有些难看的说:“这东西,你哪来的?”(This thing, where did you get it?)

  “你别管我从哪得来的,你先告诉我,到底为什么不想让雪恢复记忆?”(You don't care where I got it, you tell me first, why on earth don't you want Snow to regain her memory?)

  “这,你不需要知道”(Well, you don't need to know.)

  “那我问一句,璎姨,你给雪下药是为了更好报复夏家对吗?夏家之所以这么快垮台,这背后少不了你的推波助澜吧?”(Then let me ask, aunt Ying, you drugged Xue in order to get revenge on the Xia family, right?The reason why the Xia family collapsed so quickly, this behind you can not add fuel to the flames, right?)

  “没错,你说的对。”上官璎儿迅速承认了。(Yeah, you're right.)

  “璎姨,你为什么要报复夏家?不惜利用一直视你为母亲的雪,为什么你要让雪记不起来之前的事?还有夕岚有什么错,凭什么要被你下K—gds,她还那么小。”(Aunt Ying, why do you want to retaliate against Xia Jia? Don't hesitate to use the snow that always regards you as your mother. Why do you want the snow not to remember what happened before? And what's wrong with the evening haze, why should be you under k-GDS, she is still so small.)

  上官璎儿情绪有些激动的说:“当然是为了报复夏明睿,那个负心汉呀”(To get back at Xia Mingrui, of course,That heartbreaker.)

  “什么!这跟夏明睿有什么关系”(what!What? What does this have to do with Xia Mingrui?)


  昌浩然看见照片,十分惊讶的说:“这……为什么……”(This ……Why……)

  上官璎儿叹了一口气,看着照片说:“荏苒是我亲姐姐”( Swallow is my own sister)


  但他提出疑问道:“可荏苒姨,不是姓林吗?为什么从未听荏苒姨说起她是上官家的人。”(Aunt Swallow, isn't her surname Lin? Why have I never heard aunt Swallow say that she is a butler?)

  上官璎儿说:“这要从姐姐还在世时说起,当时家里送姐姐去帝斯学院,原本希望她学业有成后就和你爸爸结婚。可没想到,之后你爸爸娶了你妈妈,而姐姐她喜欢上了夏明睿。家里听说这件事后,我父亲勃然大怒,准备带姐姐回来,可没想到,姐姐却说她非夏明睿不嫁,不肯回家。父亲一怒之下提出条件说姐姐想嫁给夏明睿可以,除非从此与上官家脱离关系。”(This should start when my sister was still alive. At that time, my family sent my sister to Teeth College, hoping that she would marry your father after her academic success. Unexpectedly, after that, your father married your mother, while her sister fell in love with Xia Mingrui. When my family heard about this, my father flew into a rage and prepared to bring my sister back. However, my sister said that she would not marry Xia Mingrui and refused to go home. In a rage, my father put forward the condition that my sister wanted to marry Xia Mingrui, unless she broke away from the butler.)

  昌浩然问道:“那后来呢,璎姨?”(And what happened, Aunt Ying?)

  上官璎儿继续讲述着:“后来,姐姐答应了父亲的要求,从此跟夏明睿一起离开了。起初,父亲以为姐姐只是闹脾气,过几天就会回来,可曾想到那次之后竟是阴阳两隔。”(Later, my sister agreed to my father's request and left with Xia Mingrui. At first, my father thought that my sister was just losing her temper and would come back in a few days. Did it ever occur to me that yin and yang were separated after that?)

  上官璎儿不禁流下来了眼泪,昌浩然安慰道:“璎姨,别哭。”(Aunt Ying, don't cry.)

  等上官璎儿情绪有些稳定了,昌浩然开口说道:“这就是你这么做的原因,但雪儿不是你姐姐的亲女儿吗?你又为什么要利用她呢?”(That's why you did it, but isn't Cher your sister's daughter? Why would you use her?)

  “雪儿其实就是我捡来了孩子”( Cher is actually the child I picked up.)

