首页 女生 同人衍生 恰似初雪遇晨光

第268章 两家人碰面

恰似初雪遇晨光 林梓晞 5724 2024-11-13 17:27


  等到了上官家,上官梦雪刚下车,往屋子里走去之时,坐在车子里的钟殇箓叫住了她,“雪儿,别忘了明天的事。”(Cher,Don't forget about tomorrow.)上官梦雪做了个点头的样子,表示知道了。

  上官梦雪刚进屋,就在客厅看见了上官泽圣,十分开心的说:“哥,你回来了?什么时候到的?”(Brother, are you back? When did it arrive?)

  “刚到家”(Just got home.)上官泽圣摸摸上官梦雪的头,“你回来怎么不跟哥说一声?”(Why Don't you tell me when you come back?)

  “这不是知道你工作繁忙,这点小事你就不用知道了。”(This is not to know that you are busy with your work, and you don't need to know this little thing.)

  “这怎么行了,妹妹的事在我面前怎么可能是件小事呢?下次,记得不能这么做了。”(How can this be done, how can my sister's matter be a trivial matter in front of me? Next time, remember not to do that.)

  “知道了,哥。”(Got it, brother.)上官梦雪瞥见桌子上放着一块小蛋糕,“哥,这是买给我的?”(Brother, is this for me?)

  “不然呢,还有哪个小馋猫喜欢吃。”(Otherwise, which little greedy cat likes to eat.)

  上官梦雪给了上官泽圣一个大大的熊抱,“哥,太谢谢你了。”(Brother, thank you so much.)

  “咳咳”上官璎儿从楼上下来,“泽圣,你回来了?”(Ze Sheng,Oh, you're back?)



  “泽圣,你先上楼休息一下吧。”(Ze Sheng,You go upstairs and have a rest first.)

  “好,那我先上楼放行李了。”(Well, I'll go upstairs and put my luggage away first.)上官泽圣提着行李箱上楼去了。

  等在一楼的两人听见有关门的声音,上官璎儿才开口说道:“刚刚的事,我不希望有下次,毕竟你们不是一个世界的人。”(Just now, I do not want to have the next time, After all, you are not from the same world.)

  “好的,妈。”(All right, mom.)

  “我希望你有分寸,还有别忘了明天的约。”(I hope you have a sense of proportion, and don't forget tomorrow's appointment.)

  “我记得的,妈。”(I remember, mom.)





  钟伯母看见有人来了,等她们落座之后,“雪儿,你们来了,什么时候回来的呀?”(Cher, you're here. When did you come back?)

  “钟伯母,你好!前几天刚回来。”(Hello, aunt Zhong! I just came back a few days ago.)上官梦雪心里想着昨天钟殇箓都来找自己了,钟伯母怎么会不知道,但碍于面子,依然微笑面对。

  “雪儿,这丫头前几天才回国。这不,一回来就带来见你了吗?”(Cher, this girl just returned home a few days ago. This is not, as soon as I come back to see you?)上官璎儿开口说道。

  “璎儿,这句话我可不爱听了,搞的我多急似的。”(Ying Er,I Don't like to hear this sentence, and it makes me so anxious.)钟伯母开口说道。

  “是,是我急了。这不想着,这两孩子好久不见了,肯定生疏了,这不就约过来,聊聊,联络一下感情嘛。”(Yeah, I'm in a hurry. This does not think, these two children have not seen for a long time, certainly rusty, this is not about to come, chat, contact feelings.)

  “雪儿,伯母也不知道你喜欢吃什么,就按照我儿子喜好点菜了,你应该不会介意吧。”(Yeah, I'm in a hurry. This does not think, these two children have not seen for a long time, certainly rusty, this is not about to come, chat, contact feelings.)钟夫人看向上官梦雪。

  “没事的,伯母。你看着点就行了。”(It's all right, Auntie. You just have to watch it.)

  上官璎儿开口说道,“我女儿从小就是个不挑食的孩子,什么都吃,所以根本不用顾及她的,看看殇箓这孩子喜欢吃什么?”(My daughter is a child who is not picky about food when she is young, she eats everything, so she doesn't have to take care of her at all, look at what does this child like to eat?)

  “那我就放心了,我还怕雪儿不喜欢呢?”(Then I'm relieved, I'm afraid Cher doesn't like it?)


  钟殇箓看上官梦雪今天吃的好少,还时不时给上她夹菜,小声贴近她,“这些菜你都不喜欢吃吗?你先勉强吃一些,等会我再带你去吃其他的。”(Don't you like any of these dishes? You eat some reluctantly first, and I'll take you to eat the others later.)

  上官梦雪小声说道:“谢谢还有不用了,这些菜我都还行。”(Thank you and no, I'm all right with these dishes.)上官梦雪继续夹菜吃。

  钟夫人看见之后,“这两小家伙还说起了悄悄话来了,璎儿,看来当初我们的主意还是个对的。”(These two little guys also said a whisper,Ying Er, it seems that our idea was still a right.)莫名被叫的两人立马坐直,处于紧张之中。

  上官璎儿也开口有些责备的语气说道:“就是说啊,雪儿,你也给殇箓夹夹菜,别只光顾着自己吃。”(That is to say, Cher, you also give the deer a clip of vegetables, do not only care about their own food.)

  “我知道了,妈。”(I know, mom.)上官梦雪也给钟殇箓夹了菜。


  “泽圣来了,快坐下来一起吃。”(Ze Sheng is here. Sit down and eat together.)钟伯母开口说道。

  上官璎儿看着明明应该外出的儿子竟然出现在自己面前,疑惑道:“儿子,你怎么会在这里?”(Son, what are you doing here?)

  “难道两家人吃个饭,我不应该来吗?”(Shouldn't I come if the two families have a meal?)上官泽圣抽出上官梦雪一边的空椅子坐下。

  “妈妈,不是这个意思。”(Mom, that's not it.)

  “妈,别紧张,我也不是怪你的意思。”(Mom, Don't be nervous, and I don't mean to blame you.)上官泽圣看向钟伯母,“伯母,今天怎么有空跟我妈妈吃饭呀?”(Aunt, why are you free to have dinner with my mother today?)

  “这不是怕两孩子有些生疏,过来联络一下感情嘛。”(This is not afraid that the two children are a little rusty, come to contact the feelings of it.)

  “哦,那继续吃啊。”(Oh, well, keep eating.)上官泽圣让服务员给他拿了份餐具过来,再回头看看桌子上摆放的菜,“伯母,你想吃中国菜,怎么不告诉我,我好给你推荐推荐,看哪家好吃?”(Aunt, you want to eat Chinese food, why don't you tell me, I can recommend to you, see which is delicious?)

  “下次吧,反正总是有机会的,毕竟我们可是一家人,肯定要多多来往的。”(Next time, anyway, there is always a chance, after all, we are a family, must have more contacts.)

  “哦~,我怎么不知道我们是一家人?”(Oh, how come I didn't know we were family?)上官泽圣靠在椅子上,左手拨动着戴在右手食指着的戒指。


  上官璎儿赶紧岔开话题道:“等会还有事,我们就先走了。”(If we have something to do later, we will go first.)

  “这样子啊,那就下次再聊吧。”(Well, let's talk about it next time.)

  “好,下次再说吧。我们走吧,泽圣,雪儿。”(Yeah, maybe next time. Let's go, Ze Sheng, Cher.)

  上官璎儿准备拉着上官泽圣两人离开,她都起身了,上官泽圣开口说了一句:“别慌啊,妈。再坐会,反正也耽误不了几分钟。伯母,你为什么说是一家人?我可记得我们上官家和你们钟家可是八竿子打不着啊。”(Don't panic, mom. Sit down for a while, and it won't take more than a few minutes anyway.Auntie, why did you say family? I can remember that our Shangguan family and your Zhong family can't fight each other.)上官璎儿一听只好坐下。

  钟伯母开口说道:“泽圣,你还不知道啊?你妈妈难道没跟你说呀?也对,上次订婚的时候你就在外地开会,没来,阿姨也不怪你。”(Ze Sheng,Don't you know? Didn't your mother tell you?Yes, the last time you were engaged, you were in a meeting outside the city, and you didn't come, and the aunt didn't blame you.)

  “订婚?说给我听听。”(Engaged? Tell me about it.)上官泽圣翘着二郎腿,交叉着手放在腿上,静静的听钟伯母说。
