首页 女生 同人衍生 恰似初雪遇晨光

第269章 取消订婚,回到国内

恰似初雪遇晨光 林梓晞 4889 2024-11-13 17:27


  之后钟伯母开口问上官泽圣说:“难道我们还不是一家人吗?”(Aren't we still a family?)

  上官泽圣听了之后,开口质问道:“殇箓,你是真的喜欢雪儿的?”(Mourning,Do you really like Cher?)


  上官泽圣开口说道:“妈,你先别说话,等回家再说。殇箓,我问你呢?”(Mom, Don't talk until you get home.Mourning,I'm asking you?)

  “哥,我是真的喜欢雪儿的,你就放心把雪儿交给我吧,我肯定会好好照顾她的。”(Brother, I really like Cher, you can rest assured that Cher to me, I will certainly take good care of her.)钟殇箓开口保证道,还看着上官梦雪。

  “钟殇箓,你觉得你这么说,我就会把我妹妹交给你了吗?”(Zhong Shanlu,You think if you say that, I'm gonna give you my sister?)

  上官泽圣这话刚说完,钟伯母就坐不住了,“泽圣,好歹雪儿和箓箓已经订婚了,大家都知道了,你这话一说不太好吧。”(Ze Sheng,Anyway, Cher and lulu are engaged, everyone knows that. That's not very nice of you.)

  “没什么不好的,钟伯母。”(There's nothing wrong with that, Aunt Chong.)

  钟伯母看见上官泽圣这边说不通,就换了个人,“璎儿,你看看你儿子这是什么意思,难道让两个孩子的婚事就这样废了吗?”(Ying , you see the son this is what meaning, let two children's marriage so waste?)

  上官璎儿赔笑着,十分抱歉的语气说:“当然不能就这样算了,我儿子就是一时不舍得把妹妹嫁人,这爱妹之心可以理解。回去,我就给我儿子做做思想工作。”(Of course, we can not just forget it, my son is not willing to marry his sister for a while, this love for his sister can be understood. When I get back, I'll do some ideological work for my son.)

  上官泽圣听了之后,开口拒绝道,“妈,不用说了,反正这妹妹我肯定不会嫁给钟家的。”(Mom, needless to say, anyway, this sister I will certainly not marry the Zhong family.)

  上官璎儿拍拍上官泽圣的手,“少说几句”(Say a few words.)

  上官泽圣起身,把西装纽扣扣好,弯腰道了个歉,“抱歉,伯母,可能让你空欢喜一场了,我和雪儿还有事就先走了,账我也结了,慢用。”(I'm sorry, Auntie, I may have given you an empty pleasure, but I'll go with Cher and I'll settle the bill. Enjoy.)上官泽圣拉着上官梦雪出去了,完全没给其他人说话的机会。



  在开车途中,上官梦雪开口问道:“哥,你带我去哪?”(Brother, where are you taking me?)


  “去机场干什么”(What are you doing at the airport?)

  “我已经叫荆瞻以他的名义买了一张机票,现在我就送你出国。”(I have asked Jing Zhan to buy a plane ticket in his name, and now I will send you abroad.)

  “出国干什么?”(Why go abroad?)

  “离这里越远越好,对了,想着你刚刚没吃饱,哥就给你买了面包,就在后面座位上,你先填饱一下肚子,等到达国内之后,我让荆瞻再带你去吃餐好的。”(The farther the better, right, think about you just haven't eaten, brother will bought a bread, just in the back seating, you will fill your stomach first, wait until the domestic, I let Jingzhan bring back You go to eat well.)

  上官梦雪伸腰,转身,从后面座位上拿起装面包的袋子,等坐好之后再撕开包装袋吃起来,“哥,其实吃这个就饱了,根本就不用让荆瞻哥再带我去吃其他的。”(Brother, in fact, eat this on the full, there is no need to let Jingzhan brother to take me to eat other.)

  “雪儿,这些年辛苦你了。”(Cher, thank you for your hard work these years.)上官泽圣突然感性起来。

  上官梦雪听了之后,把面包放下,十分不适应上官泽圣这个语气,她开口问道:“哥,你说什么呢?”(Brother, what are you talking about?)

  “你和妈的事,我都知道了。”(I know all about you and mom.)


  上官梦雪组织好语言,扯开话题“哥,你就忍心送你妹妹出国呀?”(Brother, do you have the heart to send your sister abroad?)

  上官泽圣也没再提那个话题,“放心,荆瞻会好好照顾你的。”(Don't worry, Jing Zhan will take good care of you.)

  “可哥,我行李还没拿呢?”(But I haven't got my luggage yet?)

  “我早就让人把你的东西打包了,后备箱里给你带的是一些穿的衣服,其他的给你快递过去了。”(I have already had your things packed, and there are some clothes in the trunk for you, and the others have been sent to you by express.)

  “哥,你这操作,蓄谋已久了啊。不会是开始嫌弃我这妹妹了吧。”(Brother, you've been planning this operation for a long time. You're not starting to hate my sister.)上官梦雪不想如此伤感的聊这个话题,就开玩笑道。

  上官泽圣用手敲了一下上官梦雪的头,之后继续双手握着方向盘,“说什么呢,再说呢,再嫌弃能换个妹妹吗?”(What to say, say again, again dislike can change a younger sister?)

  “好像不能”(I don't think so.)

  “这不就结了,你回去之后记得……”(This is not the end, you remember when you go back……)


  等到了机场,上官泽圣把机票给她之后,“去吧”(Go ahead)

  “那,哥,再见”(So, brother, goodbye.)上官梦雪推着行李箱往登机口而去。

  上官梦雪走了几步路之后,松开拉着行李箱的手,回头,跑向上官泽圣,抱住他,“哥,我舍不得你。”(Brother, I hate to part with you.)

  上官泽圣摸摸她的头,安慰道:“又不是不会再见了,等有空的时候,哥就去看你。”(It's not that I won't see you again. When I'm free, I'll go to see you.)


  “真的”(True.)上官泽圣从口袋里拿出纸巾,给上官梦雪擦眼泪,“都这么大了,还哭鼻子。”(You are so big, and you are still crying.)

  “我不管,无论多大,我都是那个永远要哥哥保护着的妹妹。哥,你什么时候来接我啊?”(I don't care, no matter how old I am, I am the sister who will always be protected by my brother. Brother, when will you pick me up?)

  “一周,就一周”(A week, just a week.)上官泽圣想了一下子,之后说了个时间,好像是跟上官梦雪说的,也好像是对自己说的,给自己一个期限。

  “那哥,记得一周之后来接我。”(Brother, remember to pick me up in a week.)

  “好的,快去吧,免得误机了。”(All right, let's go before we miss the plane.)











